At its core, “Parker” is an emotionally charged film that delves into the intricate dynamics of a grieving family. The story revolves around Ryan McKinlay, a recent widower who faces the complex challenges of single parenthood after losing his wife, Chloe, to cancer. Alongside him are his two children, Reagan and Parker, each wrestling with their own inner struggles. As the storyline unfolds, Ryan stumbles upon a letter from Chloe that unveils a profound secret she had kept hidden: their youngest child, Parker, identifies as transgender.

In this transformative story, "Parker" explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the profound impact of societal expectations, particularly those related to gender. Through its compelling narrative, the film invites viewers to witness the transformation of a family united by love and resilience, as they navigate the intricacies of loss, hidden truths, and the enduring connections that bind them. In the end, it delivers a heartfelt message of wholeheartedly embracing your child, regardless of their circumstances or identity.


Director’s Treatment

A film by Kirsten Knisely & Megan Stowe

Drama | Short Film

Make a donation.

Be a part of our journey to bring "Parker" to life — our inaugural project delving into the realms of emotion, identity, and family dynamics. Your contribution is the key to making this transformative project a reality. Join us in shaping the narrative and paving the way for meaningful LGBTQ+ storytelling.

Disclaimer: In Process of Obtaining 501(c)(3) Status

Lumina is currently in the process of obtaining 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Until approval, we are unable to provide tax receipts for any contributions made. We appreciate your support of Lumina during our start up phase! Please be assured that we are diligently working to complete the necessary steps to secure our tax--exempt status. We recommend consulting with a tax professional for any specific inquiries related to your individual tax situation.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of Lumina.