Board of Directors Application

Thank you for your interest in serving as a member of the Board of Directors of Lumina Initiative. Your dedication to our cause is deeply appreciated.

As a founding Board Member of Lumina Initiative, you will play a pivotal role in guiding the organization's strategic direction, actively engaging in both governance and operational tasks. This is a working board, where members contribute their expertise, networks, and passion to drive the organization's mission forward. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the skills and commitments involved, we recommend reviewing the detailed job description outlining board member responsibilities, accessible via the following link: Board of Directors of Lumina Initiative Job Description

Together, we can make a meaningful difference by enhancing the visibility of LGBTQ+ voices, challenging preconceived notions, provoking thought, and inspiring a more compassionate world. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you and harness your unique talents in service of our shared goals.

*** Please note that all new directors undergo election by a majority vote from our founding members.

Our mission

At Lumina Initiative, we are committed to developing, financially supporting, and endorsing LGBTQ+ narrative projects for recognition by esteemed organizations like the Academy Awards, fostering their wider distribution.

Our vision

To create a future where artificial boundaries between “mainstream” and other narratives no longer exist.